SFX, Art, & Prop Rentals
Some of our equipment is available for rental!
There are some exceptions, however, depending on safety and training necessary to use the equipment in question, as well as the risk of accidental misuse that could lead to injury or damage to equipment. Some equipment may necessitate proof of insurance or proof of adequate training/certification to use the equipment. All equipment is available with an operator to facilitate proper use of the equipment, provide expertise, and get the most out of your shoot. Training in use of equipment is also available.
In order to place a rental request, please send us an email to contact@lemonadeacre.com with adequate time for us to work out your rental with you and ensure your equipment and/or operator is available and prepped for your shoot.

Equipment List
Costume Pieces, Props, & Other
Any item in our catalogue from past projects (with permission from director) is available for rental/use.
Costume pieces or whole costumes
Melee weapons
Various props
Set decoration items
Miscellaneous - just ask!
Blank-Firing & Gas Blowback Guns
Gas Blowback (‘green gas’ / propane)
Glock 17
Mac-11 Machine Pistol
Top-Firing Blank
Walther ppk
45 automatic
9mm Walther P38
Front-Firing Blank
38 Snub noise
Fancy nickel-plated and gold 9mm
Fully automatic 9mm Jackal
9mm Subcompact
357 Magnum Revolver
Prop Musket pistols
Steampunk style prop pistols
12g shotgun
Bullet Hits - Spark, Dirt, Glass, & Blood
Paintball gun kit (with red dot)
Paintball gun kit (no sight)
Sweeney balls in various dust colors for different surfaces:
Red, brown, black, grey
Spark balls for hits on metal surfaces
Glitter and petroleum balls for window, windshield, and other glass hits
Rain and Water Machines (Coming Soon!)
Telescoping single head rain machine (20’ radius, hose-powered)
Rain curtain machine (5’ sections, up to 30’)
Ground-watering machine (for rapidly coating set with water)
Traditional & Pneumatic Squibs
5-line remote squib detonating kit
Pneumatic squib kit (coming soon)
Smoke and Haze Effects
Haze Machine (HAZE)
Smoke Machine (FOG)
Handheld Propane-Powered Smoker
C2 Fog chiller (Low Hanging Fog)
LED and Electronics Props / Set Pieces
Sci-fi ready repeating kindle screens with animations
Pyrotechnic Effects
Modular 4-piece propane flame bar kit (w/ 2 bottles)